Many parents may be nervous as your child approaches their first day at IGS Early Learners – we know from experience there can be tears from both parents and child alike!

When you arrive, you will receive a warm welcome from our centre Director and friendly team. To ensure a smooth process, you will sign in your child using the provided Kiosk (it is electronic and will save your details for future visits). This can be a good time to get your child excited about the day, who they’re going to meet and what they are going to see and do.

You will then be guided to your child’s designated room, where you can securely store their belongings in an allocated locker. This is an excellent opportunity to have a chat with our Educators and gain an understanding of what the program will consist of that day.

Our collective experience has shown that children tend to respond more positively to brief farewells. Prolonged goodbyes can sometimes evoke emotions in both children and parents.

If you are concerned they are not settling or you are simply missing them throughout the day, we welcome you to reach out via telephone after you’ve left the centre.

Upon your return to the centre for your child’s pickup, you can enter their room, greet your child, gather their belongings (including any medications), exchange information with the educators about your child’s day and say goodbye to the Educators in the room.


Lastly, remember to complete the sign-out process using the sign-in/out kiosk.