We take enrolments in advance so that you have peace of mind for your child and your work.

Need childcare in Ipswich?

Enrolling at IGS Early Learners is a straightforward process.

We welcome prospective families to Book a Tour so you can visit the centre and learn more about IGS Early Learners for yourself. 

Book a Tour

If you would like to book a tour at IGS Early Learners and meet our centre director, please fill out the form. We are confident you will enjoy the experience of how we do childcare differently in Ipswich.

Enrolment Application

To apply for a place at IGS Early Learners, please complete the form through Kidsoft – our enrolment partner.

Once your enrolment is confirmed, you will receive a commencement pack which includes our IGS Early Learners Family Handbook.


Our Centre Director can assist you with a tailored quote for care that incorporates your eligibility for the Australian Child Care Subsidy .


Each child receives a complimentary bucket hat on enrolment (subsequent hats are available for purchase), nutritionally balanced meals are provided for breakfast, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea and nappies are also included until children are toilet trained.

Children in the Kindergarten and Pre Prep programs will also wear a compulsory uniform that is available to purchase from the IGS Clothing Store.